Take the time to find yourself

What is time?

The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future regard as a whole.

The seconds roll into minutes, minutes roll into hours, these hours turn into weeks, months and years. But what is it all for? I believe the most important factor no matter how long we are on this earth is self worth and love. You should be your own best friend. Through this no one can let you down, hurt you or make you feel alone. This is because if you love yourself you will always feel complete.

I do not intend to make self love sound like an easy thing. If I am honest, I’m not even there myself. I often ask myself why not and it’s because I allow myself to be influenced by the views and opinions of others around me. But you see the thing is they shouldn’t influence how you view yourself, because if you love yourself they wouldn’t change a thing.

Take the time to learn to enjoy your own company, just spend time with yourself, take a minute to breath. Depending on others to feel happy in your company is wrong, you will never feel complete when it is just you. But you can learn, start small. Compliment yourself, start with the thing you hate most… change your outlook, every morning tell yourself thats the best thing about yourself, you will soon learn to believe it yourself.

Take the time to help others, better yourself as a person. Try to do something nice for someone a day, it doesn’t have to be something big. See a homeless person buy them a sandwich, see someone struggling to cross the road, help them. It’s the little things in life that hep the most, so go out there and help. But along the way don’t forget to love yourself.

8 thoughts on “Take the time to find yourself

  1. but is it really enough just loving yourself, sure we should love ourselves but is it really enough…i mean yeah others might hurt us or they might just make life so much better isn’t all this thrill these possibilities the surprise is what time is about..sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s bad and that is where the fun is. self love might just be an excuse to being afraid you know. don’t we always need somebody else to love us more than us, because what we all really live for is to be someone’s priority and to make someone ours i guess. so what i think is that time is just a collage of memories…just make a beautiful one!!

    PS: good write šŸ™‚

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    1. of course we should love others, this is why I mentioned helping others. But how can we love others if we don’t love ourselves, this is why I suggest self love is the most important. Once you learn to love yourself you can learn to love others unconditionally in the same way. Life is all about taking chances, but you should always have your own back in whatever choices you make in life, that way no matter what happens we still love ourselves..

      thank you so much for taking the time to read my work, I hope you enjoyed it!

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      1. yea i got that but that person you helped you don’t love him like endlessly…and aren’t things much much better when you know a single mistake and it’s all over i mean you give it your all right. same way if you don’t love someone more than yourself you won’t be loving that person to the extent, that person you believe in more than yourself it’s worth the risk šŸ˜€

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      2. like everything in life you have to start small, it’s the little things that count. When somebody enters your life you will know the value of love as you have learnt that through yourself. If we were to go off past relationships or how others treated us then that would not be true love, that would be a false perception of love that we have gained from others and how they treat us. For me love comes from within and when you can learn to love then you can show others the value of love. Yes love people the most you can, but my message was to never stop loving yourself.

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      3. i totally agree with you and my point was not to stop loving yourself either but just love somebody more and not be like constant…
        it kinda feels good this little rivalry you know. just check my posts and say what you feel honestly. it’s just poems now but i’m gonna be writing stuffs like you after a week or so, it will be good to have someone like you around. and let’s follow each other so we can disagree a little šŸ˜€

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      4. I completely agree, I was not saying that I do not agree with what you’re saying but I feel a little healthy rivalry is good. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I will follow you now and definitely share my views! Thanks again!

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